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Dec 13, 2009

ELC + mrajok ngn si dia...

smlm aku n pana da boring tahap gaban kot. so da x tau per nk wat kteorg pon tururn g lpk kat tasik. pana ajak aiman lpk tasik skali... aiman ckp ok. tgh tnggu aiman dtg... aku pon msg la ngn si dia. memandangkan dier bg tau aku that dier n member nk g gambang maen air kat aku pon nk tau la best ker x g gambang??? aku pon tny la: how`s gambang??? best x??? dier rply: best giler. tp penat. aku: mmg la penat da korg maen air. bru sampai muadzam ker??? si dier: best giler cz dpt mandi ngn awek.hahahaha. otw nk balik muadzam la nih. aku: owh ye ker??? mesti awek tu cun n hot an??? amik x no dier??? si dier: eh x la. bdk bru abis spm thn nih. x dpt pon no dier bt dpt beGAMBA je.hahahhaha. Mmmg lps dier anta cm tuh aku trs menjerit kat tasik tuh kuat kuat. aku jerit Pana!!!!!!!!!! die amik gamba ngn awek!!!!!!!! waaaaa mmg aku bengang giler. tp x de la terok sngt aku mrajok ngn dier. kejap jer mrajok ngn dier pastu da ok balik. puas dier mintak tlg ngn pana suh pujok aku. pana pon pujuk la aku. hahahaha. tetibe tgh pana pujuk aku... aiman call pana dier suh kterorg pg kat tmpt ltk keter cafe. dier ckp kteorg dijmput tuk mkn BBQ. huh aku pon aper lg... tgh mrajok ngn si dier ni terus cigak mate "jom pana kiter g mkn... pergh!!! sdp tuh. aku da bau da dr td." pana bantai gelak kat aku. tnpa mbunang maser k.a.m.i pon bjln jln jln... menuju ke destinasi yg mmg aku nk pg. huhuhu. sampai jer kat saner aiman ajak kiterorg mkn. aku pon suh pana amikkan mknan cz i`m nt in mood to eat acctually cz tgh mkn ati ngn si dier. hahahah. biler pana amikkn mknan... aku mkn la. sambil msg ngn dier. hahahaha akhirnyer dier bejaye juga pujok aku walaupn dier x terer nk pujok ( p/s : zaf sndiri ckp yg zaf x reti nk pujok eh bkn alya...) hahahaha. da abid mkn... kiterorg tgk bdk2 nih maen game... MUsical Chair. hahahahah lawak nk mam... masing2 pusing kerusi tuh tp mate da pilih nk dok kusi mner... mmg x leh blah tgk dorg maen. dan winner Musical Chair jatuh kpd Ahloi. hahahaha taniah taniah taniah!!! abis game musical chair aku ngn pana jln balik Ilmiah. ye ar da kul 11.30 kot. kiterorg kne masuk sblm kul 12.00. ha pe lg mencecet la aku n pana bjln ke Ilmiah. hahahahaha. sampai Ilmiah bkn nk balik umah. tp lepak2 u kat bwh. da abis lepak bru balik umah. balik umah lak... aku n pana melantak sate yg aku beli kat pasar minggu. pergh!!! sungguh nikmat kot. hahahahaha...

Dec 11, 2009

Petang di Tasik Biru

Ari ni aku ikut pana n izz pegi Tasik Biru n tour guide kami adalah member izz iaitu Amar. Huhuhuhu. Kteorg betolak frm Muadzam kul 5 ptg. Sblm tuh kterorg singgah lu kat Petronas tuk isi minyak n beli makanan tuk mkn kat saner nnt. Lps da abis isi minyak…kiterorg pon mulakan p’jalanan frm Muadzam ke Bukit Ibam yg sepatotnyer amik maser s’tgh jem jek. But akibat drpd tour guide kami x ingat jalan nk ker Tasik Biru… so ia m’mkn maser hampir sejam ar. Dlm kul 6 kteorg tiba di destinasi yg mmg aku, pana n izz tunggu tunggukn. Iaitu TASIK BIRU. Hahahaha. Biler aku kua jer frm kete aku cm x tau nk ckp per… cz pemandangan Tasik Biru sgt sgt sgt lah CANTEK!!!. Bertapa besanyer kuasa Allah. Mase kat tasik td… aku carik spot baek punyer… cz nk nikmati pemandangan yg teamatlah indah n cantek. Sambil m’nikmati pemandangan… kterorg mkn mkn… n yg paling penting… kterorg amik GAMBA. Hahahaha… best giler. Memandangkan izz pandai amik gamba… so most of the pic sng la cantek n aku suke sgt gamba yg dier amik. N aku adore giler kot. Kterorg lepak kat saner sampi kul 7. pastu bru balik Muadzam. Sampai Muadzam kul 7.30. pastu kterorg g melantak kat foodcourt cz lapa thp gaban kot. Da abis mkn… g lepak lak kat tasik UNITEN. Hahahahaha… lepak kat tasik sampi kul 9. pastu izz dtg anta pendrive yg berisikan gamba yg kat Tasik Biru td… huhuhu teruja giler rsenyer hati ini. Pas da amik pendrive kat izz… nadhir lak dtg anta top up si pana. Then… sembang punyer sembang ngn nadhir… pana ajak nadhir g minum. Memendangkan jam baru menunjukkan jam 9.45… kterorg pon per lg… kua ar jp g minum kat highway… lpk punyer lpk… tgk jam da kul 10. pe lg chao ar acik t upon da kemas kemas nk tutup kedai. Hahaha… sampai kat Ilmiah kul 10 lbh kot. Aku pon x perasan cz penat sgt. Fuh! Pape pon aku enjoy sgt g Tasik Biru ari ni. =)

Dec 5, 2009

cube korg tgk boots dorg. Cantik kot.

hahaha. biler duduk temenung jap td cz da x de keje nk wat aku teringat zaman dimane betape susahnyer Mummy nk suh aku pakai Heels. hahaha. memang lawak habis lah. maser tuh aku baru masuk alam remaja. form 1. Mummy ckp ngn aku " alg...cube la jd cm perempuan sikit. why don`t u try to wear heels n be a lady." hahaha time tuh aku ckp per ngn Mummy... " eee... xnk lah... alg takot nnt tgh jln jln jln pastu TEPELEOT lak. bia je ar alg pakai cm nih. i`m still a gurl no matter wat." That`s what i answered my mom. Then one day... aku bukak MTV then aku tgk 1 group ni tgh nyanyi lagu 'sway'. Group nih sumer gurls. but aku wat donno jer. kononnyer x kesah ar psl group nih. cz time nih aku tgh glerkn Avril kot. so everything i wear must look like her. hahaha. but biler aku dgr n tgk vid clip 'Don`t cha' by Pussycat Dolls... time tuh aku tebuka hati tuk berubah n jd cm dorg nih. pergh!!! these gurls r so HOT. Can u imagine they dance with Heels!!! n that's impress me a lot. Lps dr tuh aku start ubah image aku. frm PUNK to DOLLS. hahahaha. aku pn start pakai heels ngn 1 inci. memang aku akui agak kekok mule mule pakai. tp biler da bese aku mule seronok kot. n aku star nk pakai lenih tingi dr 1 inci. so aku beli lak yg 2 inci. dan terase tinggi da suke. weee... lps tuh aku jd addict ngn heels. lps dr 2 inci aku beralih ke 3 inci, n lps 3 aku beralih ke 4 inci. dan sekarg aku still searchin' for 4 inch n above. hahahah gler kn??? but it's interesting u knw. for nw i hv bout 8 pair of em' 2 pairs or boots with 4 inch heels, 2 pairs platform also 4 inch n 2 pairs of wedges also 4 inch. hahaha. poyo jek. but i like HEELS no matter what. Ok. dlm PCD lak yg paling aku ske skali of course la Nicole Scherzinger lol. hahaha She's HOT LIKE A STOVE. Mmg skrg aku jd kn dier ROLE MODEL aku tuk jd kn diri aku terase special. hahahaha.

Dec 4, 2009

otak x bole nk pk!

ari rabu ari tu atiya telefon aku. die cite kat aku SEMUENYER psl dier ngn amir. Cm biase aku jd pendgr dier yg setia. aku dgr sume mslh dier ngn amir. tp... b4 aku dgr citer dier aku da dgr dulu frm amir. amir citer cm ne dier bole break ngn atiya. dier ckp kat aku yg atiya da de guy len kat melake. n nw die ckp atiya ngn guy laen kat Uitm. tp aku da tau cz atiya da citer kot kat aku. bt aku wat cm x tau citer ar. mule mule aku agak tekejot gak ngn citer amir. aku x sangke n x percaye yg atiya wat sumer tuh. mule mule cm slhkn atiya. but biler atiya call aku ari tuh aku rase guilty sngt ngn atiya. aku dpt rasekn yg amir wat citer je ngn aku. dan skrg aku da x bole nk pk ngn waras. due kwn aku nih aku syg. tp aku kne pilih yg betol. amir aku mintak maaf cz aku rase per yg ko citer tuh myb ader yg betol but ader lg yg ko x citer kat aku. n atiya kite mintak maaf cz trs jump to conclusion but this matter. sbb mase tuh kiter x dgr frm kamoo lg. mmg skrg aku tgh JIWA KACAU kot!!! sorry atiya kalu kiter de wat slh ngn kamooo.

Nov 14, 2009


it`s almost 11 p.m. but i still don`t knw what to do. Right nw just sitting infront or my mini babe on9 FB n writting my blog. Tht's it. Hahahaha. But i need to study for my quiz this monday ( nt in mood to study actually). Serious... aku da x tau per nk wat skrg nih.

Nov 5, 2009


It`s 12.16 in da mornin. And i don`t knw what the heck am i doin in front of my babe. Hahahaha. Of course la writting writing kat blog. Huhuhu. Cuaca di muadzam pd tgh mlm nih bkn shj agak sejuk but mmg sejuk. X penah penah aku beselubung...tibe arini aku beselubung. Kwang3... Kalu aynaa tau aku tgh beselubung skrg nih mesti dier gelak besanyer kat aku. Cz kat umah kalu die pasng air cond dlm bilik tuh aku mmg tdo x selimut. Kebal la kater kn. Hahahaha. Anyway jst forget bout it. This is me when i can`t sleep. Keep on talking crab. But it`s fun you knw. Hahahahaha.

Nov 3, 2009

Mamat Bajet Tah Dtg Dr Hulu Mner Pn Aku X Tau.

Tah ar... aku sebenanyer x tau nk tulis per. Nt in mood today. Td aku ader class English... so kne g aa. x sangke lak aku bler masuk class english tu will jmper mamat bajet hot,smart,macho n etc. Bapak sampah tol aku tgk muke dier td. Aper dier ingt ngn awek dier dok sblh dier gua heran ar?? eh sory skit eh ni alyaa la... aku x pandg ko even sblh mate bkn stakat sblh suku, stengah n kalu bole aku kesian nk bg mate aku ni tgk or pndg dier tau!!!. KO jgn ingt ko frm KL oppss!!! frm PAHANG!!! stakat frm pahang x yah nk belagak ngn aku la wey. Aku bdk bsd pn x belagak cm ko dowh. Muke cm cine siam. Eh bole jalan la.!!! Mmg aku BENCI ngn ko dowh. Frm today aku nk nmerkn ko TONOI. Hahahahaha... lg glamour dr nmer ko sblm nih. Hahahahaha!!! puas hati aku.

Oct 28, 2009

I Wanna - The All-American Rejects

29092009 - Someone gave this song to me. Hahahaha.

I never thought that I was so blind I can finally see the truth
It's me for you

Tonight you can't imagine that I'm by your side'cause it's never gonna be the truth
so far for you

But can you hear me say
Don't throw me awaythere's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

c/o :

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too
Everyday, but all
I have is timeOur love's a perfect rhyme
I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

I take everything that I know your wake
and I give my life away so far to you
Can you hear me say don't throw me away
There's no way out I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too Everyday, but all I have is time
Our love's a perfect rhyme

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

Tonight I see it's just another day without you
That I can't sleep I give it away, away all for you too
Hear me say, don't throw me away
There's no way out I gotta hold you somehow
All I wanna do is touch you

Oct 27, 2009


Hahahaha. ari aku rase hapi sesngt cz g mkn ngn farhana kat safa then lepak ngn mal,ajak,amir n azfar. Waaa... miss gler ngn korg kot. Hahahaha. Bese ar kalu da lepak ngn bdk nih mmg msuk air. Si ajak x abis2 ngn magic bodoh dier hahahaha. Yg akmal lak... tukang perasan. Mmg kene dorg nih.Pas da abis lepak2 tu kterorg plan nk g main bowling kat curve. Tp disebabkn mal tetdo n kne g anta mak dier g meeting... so kterorg tepakse la karoke jek. Tp karoke karoke pn best gler. Ilang skit tension yg ader dlm pale ini. Hahahahaha.

Oct 22, 2009

Walking Walking.

smlm aku,aynaa,aydaa n farhana g ou. kononnyer g ou nk g carik hadiah tuk someone. alih - alih da abis usyar usyar hadiah farhana ajak g karoke. hahahaha nk tegelak gak aku bler dier ajak g nyanyi. smpi kat tmpt karoke dier baya tuk msuk box tu. aper lg... kteorg pn nyanyi ar smpikn org yg lalu lalang kat situ pandang kat box kterorg. sbb per dorg pndg box kterorg??? ha sbb kterorg nyanyi smbil bediri. hahahahaha... giler oh... x penah aku wt keje bodoh cm tu. lps abis karoke, smbg balik carik hadiah. skrg aku da jmper hadiah yg aku nk beli. erm... mslhnyer aku agak segan nk beli hadiah tu cz cm x sesuai jek nk bg kat org tu. hahahaha. tp tis satdy aku g balik ou n carik balik kot hadiah yg sesuai. tp... aku ske sesngt hadiah tu.

Sep 6, 2009


hahaha... biler aku bace balik per yg aku tulis dari muler blog ni sampilah sekarang, aku nak tegelak... cz mcm2 yg aku merapek kat dalam nih. tapi pe yg aku , merapek tu sume adalah kebenaran hidup. This time aku nk share citer n kehidupan aku kat uniten. Pejam celik - pejam celik , da sebln rupenyer aku jd student uniten. mmg seronok jd mhasiswi... but agak penat la. Almaklum la mkn da x tentu. Tido??? apatah lagi. Skrg ni aku agak bz ngn class replacement n getting ready 4 my final exam that just around the corner. Waaaa... cuak cukup. Kat saner aku ader rami kwn. Housemate aku Hani , Farhana , n Ainina. Wah duduk satu umah ngn dorg ni mmg giler hapenning kot sampai aku pon naik pening kekadang. Hahahaha. Kalau bdk2 section aku lak lg la... sumenyer masuk air. Kalau masuk class jer mesti de bender nk d`bhn oleh dorg. Tp aku agak sedih cz walaupn dorg ni masuk air... biler aku dlm k`susahan dorg masing2 agak self-centerd. Aku pn pelik nper dlm dunia ni kwn 2 walau baik cm ner skali pn... biler kiter dlm kesusahan... dorg x nk tlg??? I wonder y???

Jun 24, 2009

Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen

240609, atiya, yana, aynaa n I went to Golden Screen Cinema ( GSC ) to watch Transformers : Revenge of The Fallen. The battle for the earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes commad of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots, believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron`s dead body has been stolen from the U.S Military by Skorpinox and revives him to use his own spark. Now, Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticons reinforcements on the way, tha Autobots with inforcements of their own may have more to deal with then meets the eye. This 2 1/2 hrs show was freakin' awsome. Before we got to watch the movie, atiya n I went to GSC early in the morning just to line up to buy the ticket. When we reached there, we can see that Transformers ticket is selling fast. And some of it even sold out. Wow!!! but I`m so excited to watch this movie and lastly I got the chance to watched it before I go to Uniten. Hahahahaha... To those who didn`t watch this movie yet... U guys hv to watch this movie coz it`s totaly crazy awsome. Marked my words guys u won`t regret it.

Jun 22, 2009

Mamat BSN kot

Ptg td aku n atiya g TTDI coz atiya nk bli pin num for PTPTN. So aku drive g saner. Biler smpi jer, parking plk probs... da satu hal kne tawaf TTDI tu baper kali tah... tgh dok tawaf, aku jmper la satu parking ne... aku pn bg la signal nk msk tetiba dtg sorg mamat giler nie trs jer msk dpn aku n amik perking aku... Pergh!!! wa ckp lu bengang thp gaban kot... da la aku kene tawaf bejuta kali da jmper parking tetibe parking aku kene kebas... Cit!!! so pe nk wat... tawaf la lg... tawaf punyer tawaf aku jmper gak parking... per lg msk ar... baeknyer gua wat side parking kot... terbaek wok!!!
Biler smpi jer kat BSN, aku ngn da blur kot... coz x tau nk kener isi borg nyg mner satu... So dgn hikmat yg ader, aku pn g ar tny kakak kat counter dpn aku... naseb baek akak tu mau tlg klo x... Haih!!! So da isi2 sume yg patot, kiterorg pn amik num... tgh dok tnggu turn... tetiber aku nmpk sorg mamat ni msuk duduk kat counter no 2... aku pn pngd la kat dier... dier pn tepndg2 aku wat dono sudeh... dlm atu aku doa moge2 x dpt kat dier... Tetiber biler num kiterorg kne pnggl... toing!!! kne kat counter dier kot!!! Wawawawawawa!!! nk tegelak aku.... Giler siot...
Biler kitorg g kat dier... de ke patot dier leh wat dono kat kiter org... Dier pndg n senym2 kat kiterorg... Kiterorg pon snym la blik... Pas tu atiya leh pth balik tgk coz dier takt slh counter... Tp biler tgk btl... Tp asl dier pndg cm kiterorg beslh??? Dah la wat atiyanyer num pin x ckp per2... biler da abis tu atiya ckp la time kasih... Then baru la dier bls same2...
Hahahahaha pelikkn??? agaknyer asl dier pndg kiteorg cm tu erk??? ( sory ar klo ader unsur perasan ) da kenyataan nk wat cm ner an??? Hahahaha mamat tu x puas ati kot...

Balik Kampong!!!

bajet seh aku...Hahahaha

wooo windy kot

kiss kiss


Sabtu lepas 200609 kiterorg satu family balik Alor Star, Kedah... Kiterorg betolak frm KL pkl 9.15 hrs coz aku wat hal... Hahahaha nk tau naper??? coz aku bole lak tetinggal purse aku.Hahahaha da la dlm tu der duit nk blanjer kat saner nnt. Lepas da amik brg yg aku tetinggal, perjalannan pon dimulakan... Maser dlm keter tu kiterorg adik - beradik boring thp gaban kot... Da x tau per nk wat so aku n aynaa cdng nk amik gmba... Kiterorg da boring nk mampos kot... Pergh!!! biler da smpi Alor Star... Kiterorg pn pegi la mkn nasi lemak royal... Pergh!!! wa ckp lu memang sedap... smpikan aku ngn aynaa berebut nk nasi tmbh kot... Hahahaha cm la x mkn sminggu... Pas habis mkn kiterorg trs g umah tok abah... Sampi je kat umah tok abah kiterorg trs surh dier siap coz bapak aku ckp nk balik KL dah... Pergh!!! cuber anda byngkan... Perjlnnan satu hari pergi balik dr KL ker Kedah tnpa overnight.??? Aku pns ati giler... tp nk wat cm ner yg drive tu bapak aku... so ikt jer ar... Kiter org smpi KL pkl 10.30 mlm... Sampi2 jer aku trs on tv nk tgk consert inspirai... nasibku baek waktu aku on Estrange tgh wat peformance... Wawawawa terujer giler...

Jun 18, 2009


Semua org x boleh lari dari masalah, cabaran n dugaan dalam kehidupan kite sehari-hari. Sesungguhnye segala cabaran n dugaan yg melanda dalam kehidupan harian kiter datang dari-Nya. Dan kiter sebagai hamanye harus terima segala cabaran n dugaan yg diberikan olehnyer dgn tabah dan rasa syukur. Begitu jugak ngn aku. Aku pon der masalah, cabaran n dugaan yg dtg silih berganti. Tp alhamdulillah aku dapat hadapinyer dgn tabah dan sabar. Betol ckp org, x semue cabaran n dugaan hidup dpt kiter harungi dgn tabah dan sabar. Tp bg aku jika masalah tu adalah perkara yg remeh, x perlu kot nk sakitkan kepale otak nk pikirkn psl bnde yg remeh ni. Mase aku di tingkatan 4 & 5 ramai kengkwn aku yg rosak akibat dr masalah yg dorg x dpt settlekn. Contohnyer cm sorg member aku ni nme dier A ( bkn nmer sebena ) aku x atu la citer dier ni betol ker x, but from what he told me that his father kahwin 4. So skrg dier duduk ngn mak kngdung dier kot. Delima A is dier x suke ngn father dier sampikan kalau tulis name penuh pon dier x nk letak nmer father dier. Biler aku tny nper x letak nmer father, dier kater xyah ltk coz aku x ske. And he used this matter as his major problem why he don`t want to study anymore. Until the day of SPM, he didn`t show up.He did told me that he don`t want to sit for the exams n I asked him why. And he said that his mother gave him bout 1k to go n study about music thing. I don`t know. I did scold him for his stupid decision. But what can I do, he has choose his pathway. He don`t even think bout his future. Now I got to know that he is hooked with 'shisha' ( sorry don`t know how to spell ). Omg!!! mudde2 lg dah tejebakngn genjala yg x sihat cm ne. Biler aku fkir2 balik x perlu kot kiter rosakkan mase depan kiter dgn masalah keuarge yg aku rase bole diselesaikan oleh parents kiter sendiri.
Aku pernah duduk n sembang dgn cikgu kesayanagan aku Pn.Azlina. Aku dah anggap Pn.Azlina cm mak aku sndiri. Nk tau kenaper??? coz dari aku form 1 sampi skrg, kalau aku der probs aku akan share dgn Pn.Azlina. Begitu juga sebaliknyer. Kekadg klo Pn.Azlina der probs dier akan share ngn aku. Ok back to the story where I sit n talk to Pn.Azlina. Pn.Azlina bg tau aku yg sekolah skrg bnyk masalah. Bnyknyer student yg bermasalah ni semuenyer aku knl walaupn dorg ni junior aku. Pn.Azlina kater dorg ni bgs bkn x bgs, tp the problem with them is dorg cmporkn personal probs dorg ngn study dorg. So Pn.Azlina mntk oppinion aku. My oppinion is these student shouldn`t mix up their personal problem with their study. Coz it will effect their studies n future. Personally I also hv a family problems and some black history that I can`t share with. But how did I get through it??? The answer is not to mix it up with my studies. And alhamdulillah aku bejaye meharunginyer. Pn.Azlina pon stuju ngn per yg aku lakukn and dier pon lakukan bende yg samer. My sugestion is to all my pepz out there that hv a big problem, first thing to do is try not to get involve with it. But if you are in the problem, try to search a good solution to the problem and never ever mix the probs with ur studier or work.
Heart ,

Officialy Mine

" Kiss Me If I`m PRO " I got this word when I was joking around with my sister at 160609 at 14.45 hrs. And it`s officialy mine ok.

Jun 15, 2009

Wedding Day 130609

Sabtu lps aku g kenduri kawen kat Negeri Sembilan. Pergh!!! agak best la coz kiterorg g ngn cousin yg laen skali. Memandangkn keter aku yg pling besa, so rami nk tumpang. Dr keter tu spaceious last kali sedat tros. Hahahaha... Kenduri tu start kol 11 tp kterorg smpi kol 2.30 pergh!!! rmi yg da blik kot. Tp kiterorg dpt mkn bebnyk coz org da rmi blik. Dah abis mkn2 kteorg sembg2 ngn cousin yg laen. X sangke tgh sembg2 tetibe mak cik bg tau yg ank lelaki Untie Sabariah, abg Ikhwan nk kawen. Hahahaha tekejot gak sume yg dgr citer tu. Pas tu mak cik bg tau yg ANAK dier lak nk kawen... Huwahuwahuwa kelakar giler. Pergh!!! abg Bob n abg Hazril nk kawen ar... X saba aku nk tgk abg2 ku ne kawen...

Jun 11, 2009


Fuh!!! akhirnye habis gak aku wat packing. Dengan bantuan kwn baek aku Atiya, keje packing aku jd snang coz die aja aku cm ner nk save space yg bnyk for packing. But there are certain things that I didn`t buy yet. Here are the things that I didn`t buy: tracksuit, t-shirt, toiletries and etc... Hahahaha... Well tomorrow ( 120609 ) it`s my turn to go to Atiya`s house and lend her my hand.
Kinda bz lately coz I`m also getting ready for my cousin`s upcoming wedding. It will be held in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan this saturday. But berofe we all going to the wedding,
my mother, my two sisters and I hv to fetch my father at KLIA on 06.00 in the morning. Wow!!! I guess I need to wake up early not early, but very early in the morning. I hope my dad`s trip from Neepal to Malaysia will be save and sound.

Jun 10, 2009


Mase aku di tingkatan 1 aku takut sangat nak melangkah ke alam remaja sebab ramai org cakap cabaran mase alam remaja ne memang hapening. Kirenyer klo korng x nak rosak, korang kenela pandai cari kwn yg betul2 kwn. So do I. But on the first day of school, I saw this girl Atiya is her name. Gadis bertubuh kecil, otak giler2, ceria, dan kengkadang sedikit sensitive p/s: itu dulu, skrg da x Itulah die Atiya. Kiteorg mule kwn dari awl muler sekolah sampila skrg. Kirenyer da 5 thn kiteorg bershabat. Huhuhuhu. Nak tau per rshia kiterorg??? Rahsianyer kiterog banyk GADOH!!! Hahaha. Aku x tipu. Jujurnyer makin kiterorg gadoh, makin kiterorg rapt n knl satu samer laen. Dalm mase kiterorg b`kwn bnyk cabaran n dugaan dtg. Antaranyer ade org x puas ati ngn kiteorg, de yg nk rmps atiya frm aku,ader yg wat fitnah psl aku kat atiya, tp 2 sumer aku x kesah. perepon yg korg wat kat aku ngn atiya, kiterorg tetap kwn baek smpi skrg, Kan Atiya kan??? Hahaha. Aku ingat lg de sorg minah ni depn2 aku n atiya dier bole wat citer kater aku kutuk2 atiya. Cuber korg byngkn??? Sampi cam 2 skali minah tu nak kiterorg gado. Tp aku x kesah. Dah bende aku x wat, wat per nk besa2kn hal. Btl x??? Maser kiterorg form 4, aku terpkse b`pisah ngn Atiya... die dpt teknik kat Melake so dier pon g. Tinggalla aku sesorg kat KL. Start frm there I started to change n transfrom frm a good girl to bad n wild. Hahaha. The old me is dead n gone. Ader sesetgh kwn lmer aku suker dgn transformation aku, dan ader yg x suker. Beserla dlm dunia nih kiter x bole nk puaskn k`hndak sumer org. Dah dkt b`raper bln atiya kat Melaker tp yg sedihnyer dier dah jarang call aku. Yang aku tau dier ader call imah. Jujurnyer mase imah citer kat aku psl atiya blik KL, dorg g rayer umah atiya, aku terase gilr kot. Aku rse cm atiya dh luper kat aku. Wawawawa sedih giler kot. Tp aku wat dono jer biler dgr psl tu coz mser tu dh nk Spm. Abis jer Spm, aku n atiya b`jmper dier citer sumenyer kat aku psl per yg imah citerkn. So skrg bnder da pon settle. Kiterorg da cm beser kua sesamer, wat keje giler. Huwahuwa. Skrg ni Kiterorg bkal b`pisah wat kali keeduanyer. Kali ni lg jauh kitrorg. Atiya dpt twarn blaja engineering kat UITM Penang, n aku lak dpt tawarn blaja BBA kat UNITEN Pahang. Elok giler " Kutub Utara, Kutub Selatan". Hahahaha. Paper pon aku harap hubungan aku ngn atiya akn kekal sbgi kwn baek sampi biler2...

Jun 7, 2009


Last night aku and adik aku pegi BSD CLUB tengok member kiterorg pefrom. The show started at 6. Yang aku herannyer show tu bole start awal tp x habis on time. It suppose to end at 9 but it end up at 11.30 I think coz I was so exhausted and went staright back home right after Guarding Helleya`s peformans. Citer sebena dier cm ni... band member aku Guarding Helleya patotnyer peform dlm kol 8 cam tu tp dorg start dlm kol 10.45. Pergh!!! memg aku tension giler smlm, cm ner la dorg ni susun patotnyer one band just pefrom 2 or 3 songs cukup ar... ni x... one band pefrom smpi 4 lagu!!! Memang abis lambt la. Kesian Marin smpi da x der mood nk sing... tp dlm dier x der mood nk sing pon dier nyanyi tetap best... Paper pon Guarding Helleya rock the night eventhough most of the crowd da sikit. On my oppinion they suppose to give band yg hebat dulu pefrom... yg x best tu kat blakang skali... da la nyanyi tah per2 jer pas2 luper lirik lak tu... huwahuwahuwa!!!

Jun 5, 2009

Young,Hot,Rich & Famous

Hey guys, it`s been so long until I got an interesting topic to share with. "Young , Hot , Rich & Famous" that`s the topic that i`m going to share with you guys.
Here the situation : " Last week my mom , my sis and I went my uncle house in Ampang to picked my baju kurung that I tailored a few months a go. After I`ve picked my baju kurung, we went to my uncle house that is opposite the tailor house. As usual, we knock and give a salam, then my cousin open the door and smiled at us and invite us in. So, my sis and I salamla mak lang and then we sit down and have a lil chat. I saw Shafiqah was sitting infront her pc and chatting with her friends I guess so my sis and I just ignore her. But as for Suhaidah, she just sit bside her mom and doing nothing. The way she act just make us feel like we doesn`t exist. As time passed by my mom decided to make a move. So kiteorg salamla mak lang & Shafiqah, can you imagine Shuhaidah terus duduk menghadap pc without looking at us. Until my mom told her that we`re going. She just like " owh ok " die tak pon bgn n salam mak aku. What a rude girl. I was so pissed off !!! So what I`m trying to tell you guys is why do this people are so arrogant ??? Have you ever think about it??? Here`s the second situation : Ade satu hari tu, aku online kat myspace aku tenampak ar sorg mamat ne muker dier hot ar gak so aku pn tros add dier. That guy approve me as his friend. So I send him a comment but he didnt reply... Pe yg aku nk share ngn korg is to those guys that are young , rich and famous tak yah la nak belagak sngt ngn org...don`t think you are so great then everyone else !!! You guys really need to wash up ur dirty brain !!! Or else get the hell out of this WORLD !!! BTW, Allah is more richer then you guys. And to my snobish cousin, you need to change ur attitude just be friendly lol tak mati pn kalo jadi friendly. So I hope you guys can share some of ur oppinion bout this matter.
Thanx and Adios

May 26, 2009

Getting Ready

Start from today aku dah kene get ready semue barang yang aku kene bawak gi UNITEN...
huwahuwahuwa... kire2 aku ader lebih kurang sebulan jer nak kene get ready...
Perasaan aku gembira,sedih,cuak semue ader... b`campo jadi satu...
aku gembira coz aku dapat masuk U, aku sedih coz start from tahun ni aku dah x bole nk sambut puase wit my family... cuak coz nk kene s`suaikn diri aku dgn enviroment kat saner... kire aku kene blaja bwk diri aku dgn baik... kat saner nanti aku sesorg... dah x der parents,sis n member aku yg nak tego tuk btlkn yg mner salh... kat sener jugaklah aku kene cari kengkwn yg btl2 kwn... bkn carik kwn yg nk rosakkn aku...
ni lah sbnanyer yg aku cuak sesangat... kat U lah yg m`nentukan sgalenyer... jadi aku akn b`usahe yg tebaek tuk diri aku family aku n tuk semue org yg aku syg...
k ar... aku nak stop lu... coz bnyk lg yg aku nk kne wat... biler aku free lg aku write lg psl p`siapan aku...
okie adios me amigos...