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Jul 2, 2013

From Heartbreak & Back

Assalammua'laikum & Hi,

Wooo~~~ mengapakah tajuk post kali ni mcm @#$%^& je kn. Let me put it this way, smlm on my way to office mcm biasa la masuk kete je terus on radio kn and I switched the channel to RED.FM sbb pepagi isnin "monday blues" la kata kn so harus la dgr lagu yg menenangkn "jiwa dan raga" so that sampai office nnt x stress. #Eh eh eh stress ke??? Ok back to the topic, so the topic of the day is "Throwback break up & break up songs" something like that la topic dia. Aku dgr la ada 1st caller ni call cite pasal love story dia n how he break up, beak up story dia kelakar gila sbb dia break up dgn girlfriend dia sbb senior satu skolah ngn dia pon suke kt perempuan tu n mamat tu baling batu kt dia sbb x suke dia couple ngn perempuan tu. Bahahaha LAME gile kot cara senior dia tuh! 

What I was trying to say is if U guys pernah mengalami break up or preferable known as HEART BROKEN, diminta jgnla bersedih, emo emo, rasa nk lompat terjun klcc, rasa nk baring atas bump jln, rasa nk telan pil penenang byk byk n etc... Come on la guys live Ur life to the fullest man, I'm so sure many of U have heard or read the phrase trillions of time so why with the waste kn??? For me bila korg heart broken x payah la nk down sgt sampai rasa xnk hidup lg dh no use ok! Let me share a story about my so-called tragic love story so the called jugak la.

I met him when I was in my 1st year as a foundation student in Uniten, time tu ikot house mate pegi meeting tuk program apa tah nma dia x igt, so masuk dewan kuliah tuk meeting dh duduk mr.president pon masuk bincang psl flow program bagai aku yg xde terlibat ni on dgr je lah. Bila sampai sesi Q&A aku dgr bunyik bising kt kerusi belakang aku ngn house mate pon pandang la rupa rupanye senior kteorg tgh main main kt belakang, kt situ la aku nmpk dia... Pas pada tu aku terus keep track on him (gila stalker aku) xde la stalker mna jst nk tau dia siapa, amik course apa tu je. So aku bgtau house mate aku yg aku nk knl ngn dia then house mate aku bg tau la cousin dia (kebetulan cousin dia member kt mamat yg aku admire ni) #poyo je.

Maka bertambah mudah la urusan aku tuk berkenalan dgn dia kn. Pas pada tu aku dpt no dia, tau dia amik course apa, drive kete apa n mcm mcm info la aku dpt. Aku start knl dia august 2009 dan bermula la bibit bibit so-called cinta ni. Dari kawan, sampai la best friend yg mmg rapat until nk keluar shopping pon sesama, hari2 msg, ada time dpt free call malam malam gayut just like a couple did. Biasa la hati perempuan ni kn fragile, mana mana lelaki yg take a good care of them mmg cair mcm ice cream di tgh panas la... same goes to me that's exactly happend to me even though I keep reminding myself that we are just friend but still hati ni degil jugak nk feeling lebih lebih. Skali amik ko dia sendiri bgtau aku yg dia suke one of my senior hah hamek kau besepai hati kau dgr... dh la time tu nk final exam dpt lak tau dia suke someone kn pastu dia siap ckp don't contact him again pergh!!! sakit dia bkn stakat luka tabur garam dh, ni umpama luka tabur garam+alcohol+detol antiseptic+ apa lg??? sakit dia mmg Allah je yg tau. 

Bayangkn aku pegi kt tasik Uniten pastu menjerit mcm org gila geram ngn diri sendiri punya pasal nasib baik xde org time tu sbb nk exam kn. House mate aku yg teman kn aku... dh jerit mcm org gila pastu nangis puas puas gasak la org yg lalu lalang tu nk kata apa pon kn apa aku kesah. So itu la serba sedikit tentang yg tentang my tragic love story, nk cite lebih takot korg malas baca aku pon dh penat nk type ni maka dgn ini aku akn reveal sedikit tips from heart break & back.

From Heartbreak & Back:

 1. Love urself
Kat sini part susah sikit sbb kt sini la ramai yg rosak kn diri masing masing, kt sini la korg strat smoking bg yg x smoking, pastu mula la nk kelar tgn bagai, nk bunuh diri & etc. Cuba korg fikir kalau korg sakit kn diri korg apa yg korg dpt??? NOTHING OK NOTHING! sbb ur ex tgh happily ever after yg korg lak sadly suffering ever after. So don't waste ur life move on and start ur new life new chapter mmg pada mulanye agak susah tuk kita lupa kn org yg kita syg lebih lebih lg korg yg dh bercinta bagai nk rak pastu nothing happen lg la sakit kn? But anyhow U have to try and do it jugak. Bila korg dh berjaya melepasi tahap ni baru la korang akn sedar bertapa berharganye korg ni pada org lain n yg paling penting pada family korg. Time ni la korg nk bukitkan kt ex korg yg korg ni 100000x ganda hebat dr apa yg dorg dpt. 

2. Friends, Family
Mereka mereka ni lah yg sentiasa ada di sisi korg x kira korg happy ke sedih ke, so spend a lot of time with them keluar la ngn kwn kwn n family trust me korg akan rsa happy balik mcm dulu sbb ni la apa yg aku buat time hreat break dulu alhamdulillah until now aku rasa i am the most happy women in the world!!! (ewah ayat mcm mintak kaki)

3. Music
Time heart break tolong la jgn dgr lagu OST cinta korg. For a while STOP listening to love story cz it will worsen ur wound. Instead, dgr lagu yg naik kn semangat korg as for example, lagu avril lavigne, k-pop songs pon ok gak but not the love song la go for the chic one mcm B.A.P pon ok gak. 

4. Berkomunikasi la dgn Allah
Sesungguhnya kita ni hamba Nya so mesti ada hikmah bila kita heart break, mungkin Allah x nk korg lupa kt Dia so Dia tarik kejap kebahagiaan dunia yg korg kecapi tu supaya korg igt balik kt Dia. Aku perpegang pada ayat inilah yg membuatkn aku sentiasa rsa bersyukur dgn dugaan yg aku hadapi. Trust me korg akn lebih tenang bila bekomunikasi dgn Allah. Ingat, x semestinya benda yg kita anggap baik tu baik tuk kita, dan benda yg x baik tu x baik tuk kita, sesungguhnye Allah maha mengetahui. 

Sebenarnye byk je lg cara tuk fix broken heart ni... tp 4 ni yg terbaik yg aku amalkan sampai skrg tuk stay happy always! ^__^ 

So tell me how u fix ur broken heart "From Heartbreak & Back"

Jul 1, 2013

Kukus Bakar Lava

Ptg sabtu aritu aku, mariam n amin keluaq p mkn "dinner" katanye la knnn. So cite disebalik keluaq mkn bersama ni adalah aku telah berjanji nk belanja amin mkn dek kerana lambat wish "good luck" tuk exam dia. Bahahaha kelakar je bila igt balik. Maka dgn ini aku pon bersetuju tuk belanja dia mkn, so mula la set tempat dan masa. So amin ajak mkn kt Abg Man Burger kukus bakar lava cm tu la lebih kurang nma kedai dia.

Since kedai tu bukak pukul 5, so just nice la lepas asar aku gerak pick up mariam from her house then straight to Saujana Utama dimana tempat burger kukus lava ni berkampung. Before nk pegi tu punya la aku bertungkus lumus mengGOOGLE map kn tempat tu, nasib badan en.amin baik hati siap bg coordinate kedai tu lg kt aku maka dgn bahagianye aku melagkahkn kaki keluar rumah tuk pergi mkn burger kukus. 

Gedebak gedebuk dlm 6 lebih gak la aku sampai Saujana Utama. Yela 1st time makan kt tempat yg agak jauh dr area umah sendiri knnn so harusla pandu cermat jiwa selamat gituuu. Masuk je kedai burger tu aku dh ternganga sbb menu dia byk sgt aneka burger. Otak dh x bole nk generate weyh nk makan apa n yg mana satu semuanye nmpk sedap. Setelah agak lama merenung menu board yg mmg x akn bg jawapan tuk mkn yg mna so aku pun memilih untuk makan MEATBALL LAVA. 

Meatball Lava ni "HOT ITEM" kiranye baru lg la dlm menu list dorg. So aku pon try je la sbb dh x tau sgt apa nk mkn kn itu je la pilihan yg terbaik aku bole buat. Hee~~~ 

ini lah dia MEATBALL LAVA

So nmpk best kn meatball lava dia??? Haaaa aku pon terliur tgk masa tgh type nih. Padahal dh mkn dh pon but still terliur gak... Ok sedikit comment la bout the meatball; as for the fries it's good sbb aku suke fries yg x masin sgt so bg aku just nice la fries dia, as for the gravy pulak sedap la if dorg buat choice mushroom gravy then i'll go for mushroom sauce la cz i'm not a black-pepper lover sgt but black-pepper dia ok la cuma byk sgt panas perut la tp knnn. #dey apa da ckp pon belit belit. And the most crucial is the punya meatballs la... Ok for me i prefer a juicy meatballs, yg ni meatballs dia a bit dry n crunchy la myb dorg bakar kot meatballs ni sbb tu dia dry n crunchy??? Who knows knnn i'm not the chef anyway. Dia punya mustard sauce mmg sedap x masam sgt sbb aku x suke benda masam2 ni #poyo, ok sauce yg hijau tu aku pon x sure apa kandungan dia walaupon aku cuba rsa tp x dpt nk define rasa dia. Both Mariam n Amin ckp rasa pandan entah laaa. 

As for Mariam n Amin dorg masing masing order burger. Mariam order burger ayam special which burger dia ok la... "daging" ayam dia sgt juicy mmg sedap ini kerana dorg kukus dulu daging ayam tuh then baru bakar so rasa dia mmg TERBAIKKK lah! And en.Amin order meatball lava and burger daging kot (ada 'kot' sbb aku x tny pon dia burger apa yg dia order) HAHAHAHA kejam x??? Bkn kejam, tp x sempat nk tny sbb nikmat sgt dpt mkn burger kukus for the 1st time. So pas azan maghrib kami pon pulang la ke rumah masing masing dgn perut yg kenyang (padahal sampai je umah terus g mamak telan roti telur satu round) hehe.

Antara special menu dorg adalah: Mr.Krabs (which Amin told me that the meat tebal n burger dia besar), Patrick (the one that Mariam order), Spongebob, Ayam, Daging, Kambing, Rusa, Arnab, Burung Unta, Hotdog monster (yg ni aku x tau rupa dia semonster mna) and Meatball Lava. 

Bagi anda anda yang membaca kalau rasa nk makan burger kukus lava ni bole la ke kedai mereka di: 
No 51G, Jalan Bidara 8, Saujana Utama, 47000, Sungai Buloh, Kuala Selangor (Berhadapan Pasaraya Central Mart)

May 20, 2013

Bee Gees ! ! !

Pagi tadi , masa otw nk g keja mcm biasa la caught in a jammed tambah dgn hujan yg maha lebatnye so bertambah teruk la jamnye kn . . . Aku mmg pagi2 kalau drive pg keje mmg tune in LITE.FM (eh2 mcm org tua lak kn dgr LITE.FM ? ? ?) Hahahaha apa aku kesah tua ke muda . . . yg penting I enjoy the music . . . So topic hari ni di LITE.FM ialah BEE GEEs . . . Mesti some of U kenal Bee Gees kn ? ? ? Aaaaaaa don't lie laaaa . . . Ok bg yang x kenal Bee Gees meh sini duduk depan aku and baca apa yg aku tulis ni . . . Hahahaha . . .

The Bee Gees were a musical group founded in 1958 . . . ( WooOOOooO aku pon x beranak lg time tu . . . Bukan stakat aku je , both my parents pon belom beranak lg time tu . . . ) Dlm group ni consist of 3 beradik namely , Barry , Robin , and Maurice Gibb . Actually , dorg 4 beradik sorg lg Andy Gibb , he did joined the group and sang a song with Bee Gees tp x igt lagu apa . But he died at the age of 13 . The Gibb brothers mmg good at playing instruments . They were successful for most of their decades of recording music , however, they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a pop act in the late 1960s and early 1970s , and as the prominent performers of the disco music era in late 70s. 

Disebabkan dorg ber3 ni menyanyi dgn 3 part yg sgt harmony , maka dengan itu they were instantly recognisable . Robin's clear vibrato lead was a hallmark of their earlier hits , while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the late 70s and 80s. The brothers wrote all of their own hits , as well as writing and producing several hits and songs for other artist.  Dorg ni mmg sgt hebat . LEGEND ! ! !

Other than that , dorg menang banyak award . Antaranye : Grammy award , Producer award , World music award , Amarican music award and many more x mampu nk list byk2 . The Bee Gees' Hall of Fame citation says "Only Elvis Presley , The Beatles , Michael Jackson , Garth Brooks and Paul McCartney have outsold the Bee Gees" . See HEBAT kn 3 beradik ni . . . ! ! ! 

Later then , Maurice's unexpected death in January 2003 , both Barry and Robin retired the group's name after 45 years of activity . In 2009 , Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed that the Bee Gees would reform and perform again. However , in 20th May 2012 if I'm not mistaken , Robin died after a prolonged struggle with cancer . 

So it has being answered why I post an entry about The Bee Gees today kn ? It's a tribute to Bee Gees . . .  And through out this morning , LITE.FM mmg pasang lagu Bee Gees je . . . Mmg tribute to Bee Gees . Jujurnye , aku kenal Bee Gees sebab selalu dgr lagu Tragedy . Fuh it's really one of my fav song ok . And since then , aku started dgr most of their songs . And x dinafikn lagu dorg sumenye best-best . So kepada anda yg x knl Bee Gees , at least bila dh baca entry ni tau la jugak kn sikit sebanyak psl Bee Gees ni . . . Walaupon aku buat ringkasan form 3 kn . Agak-agak la kn kalau nk buat karangan 10 muka psl Bee Gees Over betol kau nyah !  So sampai sini je lah pasal Bee Gees aku nk cite . Dh x larat nk type panjang-panjang . . . Kalau nk tau lebih lebih pegi la tanya "abg GOOGLE " yaaaaaaaaa

Till now from me. Bubye ^__^

 The Bee Gees

 winning Billboard award

ni gamba dorg satu family ok yg kecik tu la Andy ^^

May 16, 2013

Happy Teachers' Day ! ! !

16th May is a date where every students shows their appreciation towards their beloved / fav teachers. Dulu masa sekolah aku pon sama mcm student lain jugak suke cikgu ni, x suke cikgu tu . But have U ever wonder x ? that the cikgu yang kita x suke tu actually atau secara x langsungnye membantu kita untuk berjaya . X caya ? Imma share with U my story .

Dulu masa aku darjah 6 aku bersekolah di SK Taman Bukit Maluri, dan aku paling x suke dgn cikgu math aku Pn. Chan .  Seriously , aku x suke dia sbb dia garang .  Biasa la kn budak2 asal cikgu garang je sikit x suke . Ok here the story goes , tiap kali subject math aku mmg x phm apa dia ajar , dan hakikatnye aku seorg yg slow learner , so bila dah slow mmg x phm la apa dia ajar kn . As a result from that aku malas nk buat keje sekolah sbb x phm , then jd jeles ngn classmate sbb dorg sume terer math . Jujur ,  aku pon teringin nk jd pandai cm dorg semua . So mcm biasa result exam pon teruk gila sampai Pn.Chan malu kn aku dpn student lain . Tau x apa perasaan bila kne malu kn depan student lain ? Rasa mcm nk lari sorok muka bwh meja ! ! !  Ini la sbb dia aku lg x suke kn cikgu math aku.

Pas pada tu , Pn. Chan suh aku masuk class tambahan . . . aku punya la liat nk join sbb aku x suke n takut kt dia . Ada times aku pegi ,  ada times aku ponteng . Padahal time tu UPSR dh dkt kot . Tp aku tekadkn diri tuk pegi jugak class tambahan yg dia buat . Buat segala latihan yg dia bagi . And result from that aku lulus dgn CEMERLANG dlm UPSR aku . . . ^__^v

See students , x semestinye cikgu tu garang ngn kita dia x suke kita, sebenarnye dia nk ajar kita tuk jd lebih discipliner . Mmg kalau ada student yg bca entry ni akn ckp "eleh ,  tipu lah . . . cikgu aku sama je marah aku ,  xde beza pon . . . " mmg betol tp kalau korg dgr ckp dia buat keje yg dia bg cfrm + double chop dia suke korg . Hey , look at me now , I am a successful person and going to keep on striving for sucess ! ! ! 

Kalau xde cikgu yg garang , mustahil aku akan berada position yg aku berada skrg . . . Dan mustahil juga aku akan berjaya . 

Thank You teachers and lecturers for your time , knowledge , hardship , and courage . HAPPY TEACHERS DAY FROM YOUR BELOVED STUDENT , ALYAA <3 nbsp="" p="">

May 15, 2013

Long time no see


Assalammua'alaikum and Hi readers ! ! ! ok i know it's being a looooooooooooong time since my last update . Yeah , time tu i was in my final sem , so really need to spend almost of my precious time focusing on my project paper , searching for intern-ship , presentations , uni programs n blah blah blah . . . so Alhamdulillah selama 2 tahun setengah habis jugak degree aku . . . weeee suke suke  ^__^v

Fyi , skrg aku sudah pon begelar EMPLOYEE ya , pekerja . . . Alhamdulillah lepas je intern company terus serap jd permanent (sebenarnye dr sebelum intern lg company ni offer aku keje) PERGH ! ! ! poyo la kau !
ok ok back to my topic , aku bekerja di sebuah hospitality company yg bernama Prestige Worldwide Hospitality . . . company ni supply man power (vendor) to other hospitality company such as M.A.S
(dh mcm buat company background la pulak . . . haiyoooo)

Ok moving onnn , aku punya position dlm company ni xde la besa mna pon . . . org bwh jeee . . . huhuhu . . . basically , job scop aku is to do pay roll , EPF/SOCSO , basic accounting n others lah . . . (meaning u will have to do things that is out of the blue moon . . . pandai2 la ko pk apa maksud di sebalik nye . . . ) aku dh 4 bulan keje ngn dorg , n alhamdulillah selama aku keje ngn dorg aku xde masalah ngn abg boss aku mahu pon ngn staff lain . . . mmg keje ngn mereka di Prestige ni x stress langsung la sbb culture kt sini flexible . . . mmg kalau dlm subject Compensation Management aku taruk company ni bawah "work life balance" mmg sgt balance . . . 

Nk tau work life balance mcm mna ? ? ? Nxt post aku akn share ngn korg experience aku sepanjang aku keje kt Prestige ni . . . Till then readers , adiooossss . . .