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May 20, 2013

Bee Gees ! ! !

Pagi tadi , masa otw nk g keja mcm biasa la caught in a jammed tambah dgn hujan yg maha lebatnye so bertambah teruk la jamnye kn . . . Aku mmg pagi2 kalau drive pg keje mmg tune in LITE.FM (eh2 mcm org tua lak kn dgr LITE.FM ? ? ?) Hahahaha apa aku kesah tua ke muda . . . yg penting I enjoy the music . . . So topic hari ni di LITE.FM ialah BEE GEEs . . . Mesti some of U kenal Bee Gees kn ? ? ? Aaaaaaa don't lie laaaa . . . Ok bg yang x kenal Bee Gees meh sini duduk depan aku and baca apa yg aku tulis ni . . . Hahahaha . . .

The Bee Gees were a musical group founded in 1958 . . . ( WooOOOooO aku pon x beranak lg time tu . . . Bukan stakat aku je , both my parents pon belom beranak lg time tu . . . ) Dlm group ni consist of 3 beradik namely , Barry , Robin , and Maurice Gibb . Actually , dorg 4 beradik sorg lg Andy Gibb , he did joined the group and sang a song with Bee Gees tp x igt lagu apa . But he died at the age of 13 . The Gibb brothers mmg good at playing instruments . They were successful for most of their decades of recording music , however, they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a pop act in the late 1960s and early 1970s , and as the prominent performers of the disco music era in late 70s. 

Disebabkan dorg ber3 ni menyanyi dgn 3 part yg sgt harmony , maka dengan itu they were instantly recognisable . Robin's clear vibrato lead was a hallmark of their earlier hits , while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the late 70s and 80s. The brothers wrote all of their own hits , as well as writing and producing several hits and songs for other artist.  Dorg ni mmg sgt hebat . LEGEND ! ! !

Other than that , dorg menang banyak award . Antaranye : Grammy award , Producer award , World music award , Amarican music award and many more x mampu nk list byk2 . The Bee Gees' Hall of Fame citation says "Only Elvis Presley , The Beatles , Michael Jackson , Garth Brooks and Paul McCartney have outsold the Bee Gees" . See HEBAT kn 3 beradik ni . . . ! ! ! 

Later then , Maurice's unexpected death in January 2003 , both Barry and Robin retired the group's name after 45 years of activity . In 2009 , Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed that the Bee Gees would reform and perform again. However , in 20th May 2012 if I'm not mistaken , Robin died after a prolonged struggle with cancer . 

So it has being answered why I post an entry about The Bee Gees today kn ? It's a tribute to Bee Gees . . .  And through out this morning , LITE.FM mmg pasang lagu Bee Gees je . . . Mmg tribute to Bee Gees . Jujurnye , aku kenal Bee Gees sebab selalu dgr lagu Tragedy . Fuh it's really one of my fav song ok . And since then , aku started dgr most of their songs . And x dinafikn lagu dorg sumenye best-best . So kepada anda yg x knl Bee Gees , at least bila dh baca entry ni tau la jugak kn sikit sebanyak psl Bee Gees ni . . . Walaupon aku buat ringkasan form 3 kn . Agak-agak la kn kalau nk buat karangan 10 muka psl Bee Gees Over betol kau nyah !  So sampai sini je lah pasal Bee Gees aku nk cite . Dh x larat nk type panjang-panjang . . . Kalau nk tau lebih lebih pegi la tanya "abg GOOGLE " yaaaaaaaaa

Till now from me. Bubye ^__^

 The Bee Gees

 winning Billboard award

ni gamba dorg satu family ok yg kecik tu la Andy ^^

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